Arcade night February 23, 2008

For February, we played the following games:

  • Scramble
  • Mousetrap
  • Galaxian
  • Bosconian

As a purely geeky trivia point, after this month we have played all the games featured on the two 80’s arcade-game albums that are decorating the wall in my basement: Pac-Man Fever, by Buckner and Garcia, and Get Victimized! by R. Cade and the Video Victims. Yeah… So there’s that…

Here are the scores for February:

Name Bosconian (raw) Bosconian (norm) Scramble (raw) Scramble (norm) Mousetrap (raw) Mousetrap (norm) Galaxian (raw) Galaxian (norm) Score
Brian C. 43340 0.378721385 12740 1 56710 0.615706673 15500 1 2.994428059
Brian R. 95720 1 3660 0 47740 0.50190307 8190 0.498971899 2.000874969
Domenica 30580 0.227375163 7250 0.395374449 87000 1 3180 0.155586018 1.77833563
Rick 27520 0.191080536 7620 0.436123348 45760 0.476782543 2590 0.115147361 1.219133788
Lisa 11410 0 5260 0.176211454 9190 0.012814007 1860 0.065113091 0.254138552
Carl 12440 0.012216819 5010 0.148678414 8180 0 910 0 0.160895233

Highest score: Brian C.! He won the “Sonic sounds sizzlers” sparking magnets because he was sizzlin’ so much on the games.

Lowest score: Carl! He won the oversized shamrock decorated pen, in the hopes that his luck will change soon.