Looking for the cross in all the wrong places

One of my “pet peeves” as a Christian who tries hard to know his Bible and Theology is what I like to call “Magical Christianity”. What I mean by that term is an extension of what has been termed “magical thinking” into the areas of Theology and Christian worldview.

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A New Law

Apparently, I’m about 2 1/2 years late discovering this little gem of a tune by an artist named Derek Webb. It’s called “A New Law” and is on his “Mockingbird” CD. I had not heard of him before finding this song, nor have I listened to any of his other music yet. But this song […]

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“Let freedom ring…”

I listen to a couple of talk radio shows on the local conservative talk radio station. I’m a big fan of Glenn Beck, but also hear snippets of Shawn Hannity’s show from time to time. Hannity uses “Independence Day” by Martina McBride as bumper music, and the chorus has become strongly associated with his show. […]

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Trading Spouses, new age vs. Christianity

The Trading Spouses show is not one that I would watch. The whole premise is just not entertaining to me. But I saw previews for an episode where an overweight “Christian” woman traded places with a hippie-new-age type woman, I knew I wanted to see how this would be portrayed.

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I like Halloween

I grew up “celebrating” Halloween. We planned our costumes, looked forward to the night of trick-or-treating, and enjoyed the hoarde of candy for a couple of weeks afterwards. I never felt a need to delve into witchcraft, read tarot cards, etc. It was just another holiday that involved costumes and candy.

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Prayer Labyrinths

The main reason that I chose to go to the Sisters of St. Joseph Retreat Center for my spiritual retreat was that their website said that they had a labyrinth. Their site says: The St. Joseph Center now offers its visitors a unique prayer opportunity. Guests can pursue quiet thoughts while walking through the labyrinth. […]

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My spiritual retreat

This is something that I just don’t remember hearing much about until recently in my Christian life (again, it may have been being preached to me but I missed it). The idea is to go away and really get alone with God. Sounds like a perfectly normal and good idea. Why haven’t I done it […]

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Christian Contemporary Music

As a teen, I was a big listener of CCM. I kept up with the latest releases of most of the artists out there that I enjoyed. It was the “soundtrack of my life” so to speak. I viewed the music as a form of entertainment that would occasionally even touch me or convict me […]

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Confessions of a recovering Baptist, part 4 – Filled with the Spirit

My thinking about what it means to be “filled with the Spirit” has undergone some changes since going to a church with a “significant Charismatic dimension.”

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More stuff about alcohol

I’ve had the opportunity to discuss drinking alcohol with several friends at this point. In particular, my brother pointed me to a page originally at http://study.gentle.org/articles/beer_and_the_believer.htm, reproduced for the purposes of this blog article here (that page disappeared at least once, though I see it is back again at the time of this edit). He […]

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