Arcade night November 22, 2008

Back to games we haven’t played before this month:

  • Crystal Castles
  • Popeye
  • Robotron
  • Tinkle Pit

And here are the scores:

Name Crystal Castles (raw) Crystal Castles (norm) Popeye (raw) Popeye (norm) Robotron (raw) Robotron (norm) Tinkle Pit (raw) Tinkle Pit (norm) Score
Boyd 14467 0.797170298 20850 0.342348143 60425 1 299900 1 3.139518442
Bill 12936 0.639058143 51490 1 30600 0.48152977 266290 0.877425237 2.99801315
Rick 16431 1 24900 0.429276669 23450 0.357235984 168560 0.521006565 2.307519218
Mark 12262 0.569451616 38740 0.726336124 12150 0.160799652 197660 0.627133479 2.083720871
Jill 9937 0.329340081 11730 0.146597982 17650 0.256410256 191160 0.603428155 1.335776474
Brian 8674 0.198905298 22950 0.387422194 21000 0.314645806 93700 0.247994165 1.148967463
Carl 11017 0.440875762 10600 0.122343851 9600 0.1164711 60730 0.127753465 0.807444176
Domenica 6748 0 9200 0.092294484 5000 0.036505867 83250 0.209883297 0.338683648
Lisa 7918 0.120830321 7500 0.055805967 2900 0 66960 0.150474106 0.327110395
Linda 0 4900 0 15475 0.218600608 25700 0 0.218600608

Highest score: Boyd! He got a little snowman shaped box of Hersheys chocolate candies.

Lowest score: Lisa. She got the “Santa’s sack of coal” novelty bubble gum.